What the.....?
I don't like this stuff at all.
And yet my family saw fit to DUMP ME AT A DOG SITTER'S so that they could go away and spend their time in this stuff. Willingly! Poo Bum Farty heads....
Apparently Sapphire could barely keep her eyes open. Boredom and the utterly freezing cold wearing down her nervous system I guess.
Dad looks happier, but then again he is Alpha Male.
They all seemed thrilled to see me when they got back home but the white stuff was still around. I didn't feel like running or sniffing at anything for very long and one morning Sapphire and Mum took me a long walk along bushes, roads and trees I'd never smelt before.
Only to buy me this:
They know that I hate wearing anything on my body except a collar. One day I was visiting Great Grandpa with Mum and an old lady ruffled my ears a lot and gave me a dog coat, brand new, still in the packet. Mum said 'thanks' and put it on me and I ran away from it - even while still wearing it - flapping my ears furiously so that it twisted around slightly and I could chew the straps off.
You'd think they'd have learned from that reaction, but no, it didn't stop them from putting a Santa hat on me. It has an elastic strap that my paws can't flick off. Worse though, is that they took photos and laughed.
Back to now. This thing feels a bit weird and Sapph and Mum are praising me like crazy. "Oooh you're a pretty girl, what a good dog" over and over. I know that already!
But ...... *sniff sniff sniff* ......

..... I don't feel like rushing any more to get inside...... is that a .....
The coat isn't so bad I guess, but taking it off afterwards is the best thing.
Thus endeth December Details 2011, leaving you with a picture of Milly forsaking the padded, blanketed comfort of her bed for the hard floor in prime sunbeam-soaking location.
I hope you all have a Happy New Year, even if that means going to bed at 9:30pm safe in the knowledge that it'll still be 2012 whether you stay up until midnight or wake up at breakfast time.