Yep, it's that time of the week again: to put some much-needed definitions to the verification codes that pop up every time we want to add a comment. Here are six of the latest I've had to key into cyberspace.
Spettee - the lounge a sick family member spends the day on when not at school or work. This piece of furniture is usually adorned with a scattering of soggy tissues, toast crumbs, sticky flat lemonade, a ratty blanket and an even rattier teddy bear. Carers should ensure that they are seated far enough away from the spettee to avoid being hit by a snalg, or the uncovered result of a sneeze.
Benaba - a fruit, only referred by a sufferer of a sinus infection. Lying on the spettee, the sufferer requests what is in reality a 'banana' but with only the ability to breathe through the mouth it sounds like 'benaba'. It is advised not to give the sufferer a 'benaba' because it only leads to them complaining that they've just traded one mouthful of snot for a chunkier, fruitier version. Another classic phrase often said by 'benaba' eaters is "I hab a bab colb."
Voingly - The unintended result of an insult that has been mispronounced, leading to mirth instead of hurt. "At least I'm sexy enough to work as a prerogative dancer unlike you - it's a doggy dog world, you know and I'm more impudent!"

Letork - Fake French; considered to be in more popular usage in Australia than the real French language. For online examples see Flight of the Concords' song 'Foux da fa fa', Joey on Friends and Steve Martin as Inspector Poirot trying to learn how to order a hamburger. For a predictable real life example, just take a French friend along to a dinner party and wait until around three bottles of red later when someone tries to speak to them like Pepe LePeuw.
Rentiou - A handwritten note left by the least desirable flatmate when the house owner or coordinator of the bills is at uni or work. On the day that rent is due, the LD flatmate drinks the last of your milk, leaves that one square of toilet paper that has two stripes of glue sticking it to the cardboard roll and eats your last three Tim Tams before taping a Rentious on the fridge door, saying that they're leaving to go on holiday to Cuba for six weeks and won't be in phone or email contact range and can't pay the rent this week.
Prodens - Trophy rooms found in the mansions or penthouses of retired sports stars. Whilst they are always refered to by their owners as 'studies', no intellectual activity such as reading, writing or non-porn-related computer work is ever done. Prodens are in actual fact storage rooms for hideously ugly trophies, limited-edition Channel Nine-flogged autographed memorabilia and framed guernseys.

I promise to use the word "spettee" at least three times today.
Thank you Andy. I know I sure have today, what with Sapphire being home feeling crook and all....
I suspect you've taken to creating this advanced dictionary to help you cope with all the illness and vagaries that have hit your household of late, hair removal etc
OMG I have a proden! Not my stuff but my brother's he's a hoarder of signed 'things' from lesser known sports celebrities. Haven't been on the Spetee for a while. Hope Saph is feeling better.
Elisabeth, you may be right. At least our 'spettee' is now vacant again, with Sapphire back at school.
Baino I often wonder just how 'valuable' that sporting memorabilia crap is, especially those framed cricket photos they flog during channel nine cricket. Does your borther hang his in the pool room?
Ah, rentiou - of all the shared houses in all the world the occur in each and every one - especially the "Sorry, will get milk on the way home - I drank yours," when you have a rotten hangover.
Rentiou could very well work its way into the dictionary.
Oh my god. I love it. This is the kind of stuff that I think in my head that I never speak of. And for the record, to post this, I've got "surbing."
I'm in love! This is the most brilliant concept I've come across in days, Kath. You Are Genius. I've always wondered whether those words were real or just an amalgamation of letters. Hilarity is ensuing, I assure you.
Hahahaha! "It's a doggy-dog world...".
Boy's reaction when I showed him your latest Gone Chocco sidebar photo: OMG WHOA
Pandora, don't forget the "but I didn't think you'd mind" when you get home and the unemployed flat mate has eaten your chocolate, drunk all the coffee and spilt cornflakes all over the floor. And left them there.
River, I reckon you're right. Too many of us have lived through 'Rentiou' for it NOT to catch on.
Sameyer - Surbing: Surfing in the suburbs; the closest most of us actually want to get to scary ocean waves, salt water in our eyes or in the habitat of sharks.
Hannah. 'You are a genius', you say? Can you hire a skywriter to do that, say, above a key publishing house or the editor of the Sunday Age?
Lad-Litter, I've actually been told by someone particularly clueless that "it's a doggy dog world"
Cast Iron - I put that photo up yesterday and it's from an upcoming review of Diamond Creek (owned by Chocolatier)found in fairly uninspiring white boxes only at Woolworths. They look about as big as terracotta tiles in that photo but are just your usual size. Very, very nice to eat though.
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