There are some weeks when, busy doing my blog surfing and commenting (officially known as 'research'), the 'captchas', or word verifications, almost define themselves. This week has been one of those weeks and I present you with the latest six to add to the collection:

Patinge - Unfairly blaming a fellow human being for the breakdown of your car, solely based on their nationality.
"You're bloody FRENCH, Pierre, and so is this clapped out, unroadworthy, useless f**king Peugot, so get out and push!"
"You're bloody FRENCH, Pierre, and so is this clapped out, unroadworthy, useless f**king Peugot, so get out and push!"
"Yeah well Sven warned me about you - no wonder he left you after you sold him the volvo!"
Urebro - A pair of men urinating at the same time, standing closely together in locations that aren't public toilets. The Urebro formation is commonly seen occuring on fence walls during pub crawls, day hikes and on the side of the highway during long road trips.
Woopre - A premature expression of victory, immediately followed by disappointment. Many AFL commentators find themselves screaming a Woopre: "And he's past the 5o metre mark, one bounce, two, a quick dodge, a boot and it's a G-...... Oh. A behind."

Procki - Someone who eats chocolate in front of people they know without sharing. Prockis are not to be confused with Grockis, who eat chocolate in front of strangers and are therefore not obliged by convention or kindness to share. No, the Procki displays a staggering amount of selfishness and is likely to be felled soon afterwards with a particularly virulent form of arse itch or risk receiving a handmade card and voucher that says 'Free Hugs' for their next Christmas gift.
Burinomp - The dreaded realisation that, after one bite, the food you're eating is inedible or off and is cooked by your boyfriend's mother, so you have to somehow swallow it whole and hope that the seven two dozen mouthfuls magically taste a little better. I have not-so-fond memories of doing this with a steak-and-kidney pie and the father's home made wine as a nervous seventeen year old!

Kerchee - Using a sleeve or the back of your finger (which is then surreptitiously wiped on your pants) after a sneeze produces more than an explosive sound. Frequent Kerchee producers should remember to carry a tissue or handkerchief, but most seem incapable of remembering such a trivial item and 'snail trails' that glisten on clothing is the unfortunate and rather disgusting result.
Burinomp is brilliant! Fortunately I ahven't had too many, but a friend's mother once made a huge pot of mushroom pasta for me when I was visiting (I refuse to eat mushooms and have since I was 5). I learned that you can eat an entire meal without chewing. And it makes you rather sick afterwards.
Serving steak-n-kidney pie for someone you don't know very well says a lot about the feelings of the server!!!!
G'Day Kath,
Being an avid footy fan who supports a crap team, "woopre" sums up my experience perfectly.
Equally, "urebro" which is usually something that is forgotten in the mists of inebriation.
"Burinomp" - I agree with Helen - brilliant!
Today's word "tersedsh" - a menu item whose description is so fabulous that you have to order it - only to discover that it is tiny (usually a pea, a baby carrot and a bit of meat "drizzled" in a weirdly coloured sauce).
I'm guilty of being a Procki, but to be fair, it's usually at the lunch table at work and the chocolate in question is a tiny 15g bar from Cadbury Furry Friends packet.
It pays to increase your word power, Kath. Very witty. Gotta go, I've just been invited to a urebro...
haha Kath, my favourite is Urebro - your definition could be a Kiwi national pastime for boys.
How I envy the ability to form an urebro! Especially in my past life as an Army Reserve Soldier in a Unit consisting of 7 females and nearly 200 males.
On election eve, Kath I wonder whether we might see or hear a Woopre from Tony Abbott tomorrow evening around 9 ppm or whether the margin will be wider. I hope it's not the other way around.
Ugh. These were disgusting . . and it's only breakfast time.
Helen you're right - swallowing en entire meal is incredibly painful and don't - whatever you do - try washing it down with your boyfriend's father's home made wine....
I hadn't thought about that, drb, but they were a really traditional English family living in Oz who still had chips with every meal - including curry and rice!
Plastic Man, I love your definition of 'Tersedsh' and I'm hoping that you had a better sort of meal for Mrs P's 40th birthday?
Er - 于庭吳 - I don't understand a word, but thanks for your sticking power
River, being a work Procki is fine. Just don't do it in front of your main squeeze, your child or your best friend.
Thanks Lad Litter - I've always been envious of the Urebro!
Oh Vanessa, you poor thing! I found that even as a 'squatter' I could get my feet far enough apart and some would splash onto my shoes.....
Elisabeth, even as I type this on a Monday morning, I haven't heard a 'woopre' yet from either major party, but having helped Adam Bandt from the Greens get a Melbourne seat, we were certainly whooping whole heartedly on Saturday night :)
Oh Baino, Baino, Baino - I was actually trying to reign myself *in* !
Tony Abbott's celebrations on election night and his subsequent travails are a dead-set Woopre.
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