Essendon's Mark Johnson's partner, Amy Newbold, personifies her own last name. Either that rack of hers is obviously 'new' (and not as nature intended) or she's being 'bold' in stuffing it with the left-over bread rolls from the party table

Lauren, seen here with Freo's Matthew Pavlich has made very good use of double-sided tape or a good pasting of araldite. She's making doubly sure that nothing will cause an Aussie version of 'Nipplegate' - although the loose material flapping about her non-stomach might be a good spot for the Pav to rest his arm if he needs to

Merinda scores a point or two here also for wearing such a lovely blue and it looks as though Richmond's Matthew Richo approves too. It's just unfortunate that it's too short and makes her look too wide - doesn't Dakota Fanning need her dress back?
That's enough bitchiness from me for today. I've got to go and wash the dog, who, in the same furry orange outfit she wears day in and day out, looks more gorgeous than the whole darn lot of them!
LOL! Those BrownNose posts cracked me up!
Aren't the AFL guys and their gals pretty shocking at glamming it up? Hardly a well dressed person among them.
Makes me glad I moved to Sydney from Melb to avoid possible association with such tawdry goings-on.
What a crackup. They're probably all scrutinising eachother & the whispered insults flowing freely. The whole thing just goes to show how shallow a lot of us are.
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