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Imagine you’ve been given a thousand bucks to spend on fun.
It’s a tough one, because for most of us, once we get beyond the ‘Wah hey I’ve just got paid and need the latest clothes and enough to get me drunk all weekend – in the most stylish way possible of course’ stage in our early adult years tend to automatically think of ‘spare money’ as anything but spare money.
Unplanned-for cash is for chipping away at the mortgage or rent; paying the window envelopes you don’t want to open yet and for all those sensible things that enable you to remain housed, fed and decently clothed.
But Magnum has selected Blurb from the burbs and 22 other blogs to host a competition on their behalf.
Magnums are indulgent to eat (which is why we like them) and they want to give you a thousand bucks to indulge yourself with. To figuratively kick off your sensible shoes, loosen that serious tie and have some full-on FUN. No, not to spend on your loved ones or a charity or anything else to ease the guilt that we all have eating away inside, but on YOU. Your good, fabulous and deserving self.
In my case, it’d be a day spa. I mean a full day. I’ve been lucky enough to have been given a gift certificate for a facial or massage here and there over the years, but an entire day of wandering around in a soft and scented bathroom being artfully steamed, pummelled, daubed, polished, plucked, brushed, oiled and bubbled must be nice. They’re called DAY spas for a reason, yet I’ve never spent more than half an hour in one; the last time saw me standing barefoot in the cold waiting for Love Chunks and Sapphire to pick me up, hoping like hell that the just-painted toe nails would withstand the agonised hobble across the bitumen car park.
My ultimate Day Spa experience also needs to include food – healthy, arty-farty food that is delicious to eat and contains about the same calorie content as a stick of celery but without being measly, limp or misery-making. Then, of course, a smart outfit to slip into at the end of the day with a booking at one of those poncy ‘we love foam’ restaurants The Age reviewers always rave about and a cabcharge home. Some other schmuck can go see a show; I’m all for lazing about inside all day not worrying about holding in my stomach muscles, trying to appear intelligent or apologising for the household mess.
Alternatively, I’d buy myself a small laptop but wouldn’t dare blend the experience of using with a day spa: the damn thing slip would through my freshly-oiled ylang-ylang man-hands and smash onto the carrera marble floor, completely ruining the ambience of luxury and restfulness.
OK. Rose-coloured goggles off and back to you. Magnum have also put a game together and are inviting you: valued, desirable and deserving Blurb from the burbs readers, to play.
1. Play the Magnum dice game and try to obtain the highest score possible.
2. Leave your highest score and answer the question, "What will you indulge in with $1000?” in a comment. Don't forget to include your preferred contact method so that, if you win, you can be be contacted - ie blog URL, Twitter or amail address).
3. This competition runs from November 24 until midday on Tuesday December 14, 2010.
4. The winner will be the entry deemed most creative across all 23 blogs taking part in this campaign (See Terms and Conditions for full list)
5. The winner of the $1,000 prize will be announced on Friday December 17, 2010.
Enter here as many times as you like. Be creative, be appealing, be ..... worth a thousand.
Creative? Oh dear. I'm not at all creative when it comes to this type of competition. I can think of many things I'd use $1000 for, but they're all practicality based.
After I submitted my high score, there was no comment box for me to put my idea how to spend $1000.
Do I just write in the comment for your blog?
Come Onnnnnnn River! You can do it!
Yep drb, you comment here. Nuffnang will be checking out the comments on all participating blogs.
Oooh, I like your fantasy! I've dreamed of spending a week at The Golden Door since I first read about it in a glossy magazine 10-or-so years ago...
Oh, to be pampered and massaged for hours on end!
I will give Streets the $1000 for 100 bars of dark choc cherry Magnum (discontinued?)- velvety vanila ice cream coated with cherry sauce under the dark chocolate....
(blogger has my contact details)
After doing some googling:
it is the *Cherry Guevara* flavour as part of The Sixties Nine limited edition Magnum in 2003.
Yes, I will pay $1000 for 100 or even 10 bars of Cherry Guevara Magnum!
The velvety vanila ice cream, tangy cherry sauce and dark chocolate coating is the ultimate indulgence!
oh oh oh, the saucy cherry layer is contained in 2 layers of chocolate. hmmmm, now I am obsessing over it...
checkout the pic at:
I think I might have to have submit an entry in this one Kath. $1000...to spend...just on ME...really? Okay, thinking cap is officially on...I will return :)
Thank you for your well wishes too, very much appreciated and yes, life is sooooo much better these days or maybe my headspace is? No matter, all's well. :)
Oops, do I have to actually submit the score with the name and email thingy, because I forgot to do that.....Guess I'll have to go again..
In the meantime, what I would do with $1000?
Eternally practical, I would run straight to my dentist and get as many teeth fixed and veneered as possible.
Aww fkn awesome. I need cash and I love Magnums. Not beyond me to sneak out in the wee hours to the local servo and purloin one better than sex . .well sometimes.
A thousand bucks hey? I'd use it to get to Paris- where the Magnums have vanilla bean seeds visible in the icecream, and a little embossed M on the side. Classy. Like me.
Hannah, yes, I've dreamed of the Golden Door too. Not ever to be confused with the Golden Shower of course....
drb - I remember those beauties! Maybe they'll make a comeback?
Claire, you have a bit of time to throw your hat into the $1000 ring.
River, teeth are worth it and it's a shame that they're considered 'luxuries' by our public health system and therefore not worth funding.
Baino, are you saying that you'd spend all the cash on Magnums?
Louise, a Magnum in Paris sounds lovely.....
I got to 84,000 but it was too stressful so I ended the game. I'd spend the cash on some me time (a luxury in itself) with some interstate shopping (Melbourne would be nice), some day spa action, and a private charted yacht out on Sydney Harbour for the afternoon soaking up the sun reading a book (also another luxury). Hey - can I afford all that?
thanks, very good =)
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