.....isn't happening here. Although I do wish I'd been smart enough to think of it first.
Blogger buddy, Franzy, owner of the superb blog 'Writing' and the bloke with the amazing capacity to always provide intelligent, hilarious and/or thoughtful contributions to comments sections near and far, has set himself a challenge.

He's going to write one sentence for every day of this month - hence the title, Single Sentence September. After enthusiastically supporting my Appreciative August-a-thon (37,000 words, 263 comments) he's decided to set himself a challenge that only a Queensland-dwelling, Coffee Club Cocoa Dust-inhaling, PhD student can handle. He explained:
Kath, I take my hat off to you. Well done. You have inspired me. Kind of. In the opposite direction.This isn't a piss-take, but next month on Writing has been declared Single Sentence September. I will be posting every day, Kath-style. One sentence. And one sentence only. Per day.
If you're a regular reader, you'll know that my sentences can turn into paragraphs, so there will no lack of content, but I'm also aiming for "interesting".
Wait and see.
I said: wait and see.
Will you just shut up already?
Over there, behind those sheds. Count to a hundred and we'll come and get you. But no peeking!
Get over to Single Sentence September and add a comment. In one sentence, of course.
Great Idea, I'll have to check it out !!
Aw shucks.
That's an awesome idea, although ti coould be tough - watch this be the month when everthing exciting happens ad t's really hard to fit into one sentence!
I'm liking Franzy's Single Sentence September as much as I liked your Appreciative August. It's got me wondering what's in store for October..........etc.
>>It's got me wondering what's in store for October..........etc.
Rocktober, by the look of it.
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