I'm only worried about him getting his kidneys chilled....

Or should that be Mr Phelps?
I know you've won more gold medals than anyone else and you might have snogged 'our' Stephanie Rice (well, somebody has to) and apparently you'll be appearing on Saturday Night Live and you've been in a Disneyland Parade, but there's something that really concerns me. Well, bugs me a little. Actually, it makes me anxious and somewhat nervous, and for someone who has the wing span of a sperm whale and feet like flippers, it might be time to think about us, the viewers, of your Olympic feats.
So, Michael - Mr Phelps - Can you go an old girl a favour, and pull your swimmers up a bit higher?
I feel so uncomfortable that one day you'll hoik your arms up in victory a tiny bit too eagerly and your 'ol American bald eagle will pop out and get the medal hung on it instead....
Just think about it, and get back to me. I'm sure Speedo make a variety of bathers that nudge the bellybutton level.
Trust me, you'll thank me for it later.
That might have been his original plan...or maybe he's saving that show for London.
Don't fret too much, if you look (more) carefully, you'll notice that he's actually wearing a complete suit, but pulled down for a medal-winning celebration.
Haha . .had me at the headline, one of my mother's fave sayings when a little flesh was visible "for god's sakes girl, cover your kidneys!". Franzy, might be a full suit but even they don't leave much to the imagination. Nice cut bod tho!
Actually Franzy, sometimes he only swam in the 'bottoms' and they were so perilously low that I was wincing in anticipation....
And yes Matthew, lord knows he's got a face only a mother could love, so I'm assuming that the wince-factor, or the Willy or Won't he? might add some interest in the UK
Baino, it was a mantra of my mothers: "Get a nice long parka to cover your kidneys", or "Don't sit on that cement, you'll get piles." Piles of what, I used to ask myself.
Spoilsport, some of us are interested in the size of the rudder.
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