And I wish that the issue of Climate Change had nothing to do with politics.

No Julia, no Tony, no Andrew Bolt, no drivetime idiots.
No more questions asking 'do you believe in Climate Change?'
This is no longer a quick vox pop or the occasional dinner party chat over anti pasto. We don't have the luxury of believing or not believing any more. It is happening.

So eight thousand of us decided to turn up to Treasury Place to ask that Tony shut up and that politics is forgotten as we all work out what to do. Together; no games. Not if or why but when. Now.
"We need to go, it's important," LC said. After twenty two years in meteorology, he's seen more than enough evidence. He's commented on climate change denier sites and shock jock blogs so often that they no longer post his arguments refuting their claims. Too embarrasing to have their facts and opinions proved wrong over and over again. His voice shut out, his reasoning, research and calm facts ignored.
The days of mines, oil drillers and power stations calling the shots are over. Their time has gone. Tax the big polluters and use that money to fund better sources of energy for everyone. Embrace this as the time for genuinely creative and forward-thinking job creation.
Yes, it'll involve change, cost and genuine challenges to our current way of thinking. Get over it and try to soften the blow by considering it 'Enforced Evolution.' But don't shut your eyes and your mind to the truth.
Wonderful, Kath. I'm with you on this one. We need to shift perspectives and get on with the business of living well, not being driven purely by the proverbial hip pocket, but by common sense and need.
tx for going Kath...such things are out of the question for me these days, so it's good to know others are doing it.
Count me in big time. We are living in scary times and do indeed need to work together to get it right (and hopefully we haven't left it too long).
Thanks for putting this up here - could not have said it better myself. Would have been there if other commitments (and late notice)didn't get in my way.
G'Day Kath,
This si a massive subject and something I have been dying to blog about myself - the problem is that being a bit of a scientist, I feel the urge to delve really deeply into it and that would take lots of time - too much time in fact.
I do agree that politicians are using it to further their causes. Look at Al Gore for example. He failed to win the Presidency so he started a crusade - and while that might be a laudable thing to do, he did NOT do it for the environment - he did it for his own ego.
His LIVE 8 concerts had a gigantic carbon footprint.
It's like shooting somebody and then saying "ban guns".
I agree - get politics out of it. Though, to be honest, I am a bit of a sceptic - and the reason is because of people like Al Gore.
I may just dive in and judge for myself.
I hope this rally at least starts some sort of ball rolling somewhere.
Politicians are well known for ignoring the voice of the people.
unfortunately the cynics cannot or do not want to believe the evidence presented as it may affect their pockets, all we can do is make as much noise as possible and hope to create the momentum to make changes, keep going!
Thanks everyone. I've been stewing about this for ages, wondering if I should write about it, but after the rally on Saturday I decided it was time.
I'm no scientist, but living with one who lives and breathes the issue - hell, 'issue'? It's bigger than an issue, it's EVERYTHING - we know that things have to change right now. It doesn't matter who's in power or what their policies are.
Taxing the polluters is far too sensible. Empires need to built around carbon trading and pricing and compensations.
I'm so glad to know that rallies and protests like this still take place. I remember taking part in the large-ish student protest in Canberra against the Iraq war in year 9, and I also remember the anger I felt hen Howard responded with "children should be in school". I hope your protest makes more of a difference!
You're right, Andrew. It's a start though - money to do bigger, better and longer-term things.
So do I, Hannah, so do I. Interesting to hear Climate Change Denier Andrew Bolt say that there were 800 at our rally not once but twice before he was corrected by the host. He also wrote it on his blog, so stubborn is his recollection of numbers.....
Well you've got my vote, when are you standing?
I'm so impressed with this! Working in the environmental field, it gets very frustrating when we hear about how the governments are doing nothing about climate change. So seeing you all taking a stand, it fantastic 10 points!
Good on you Kath. The more people that stand up the more people will listen. "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. " - Edmund Burke
*and women of course!!
Climate change is obvious and cries for help but the big figures do not do much about it. Too much power, money and political games involved that leads to more destruction just like the last heartbreaking event in Japan. Thank you for trying to change the situation, Terrans
For people who are interested in a genuinely scientific skeptical site on climate change, I highly recommend: http://www.skepticalscience.com/
The first thing you will notice is that nearly every post is based on scientific published papers with very little political content. All the counter views are dissected and analyzed including the output of the "Lord" Monckton.
Sadly, the "skeptics" have very little in the way of valid counter theories or evidence at all. There are some valid areas of uncertainty for sure but, my unfortunate conclusion is that we are in for a very rough ride, made all the worse by the fact that the obfuscaters and those that seek to muddy the waters hold sway.
Ironic word verification: mouth
Very hard to be optimistic and very hard not to get angry with people that believe that their amateur "common sense" refutations hold any validity in this debate at all - including my own.
A very important issue, I'm so glad that you and like minded others are out there going to rallies. No rallies out here in the middle of nowhere sadly.
I agree that we are beyond the point of discussing whether climate change is an issue, we just need to address it.
I must say I am sceptical about the current model being offered to make huge improvements though. It seems in the past, every time the Gov offers a rebate/compensation scheme then the consumer continues to get ripped off, and the industries make more money.
Please suffer the price hikes and allow Gov to invest the carbon tax into renewables.
yay for you and LC! & when do we get an LC blog of these facts & wondrous arguments that have the power to shush the empty-headed wankers!? I should promote it to the hills! (& I think they'd be interested)
Baino, there are too many skeletons in my closet - I'd be crucified quicker than a Pauline Hanson-fried chiko roll....
Thanks Luke. Don't be a stranger, you hear?
Thanks to you too, Nicole. Now if we can get people to understand that 'tax' is the wrong end of the stick and that Australia has one of the lowest tax rates in the western world.
We have to try, Terrans. I don't want to sit back and whinge without having tried to do something to change things.
Vanessa, you've hit the nail on the head: "Please suffer the price hikes and allow Gov to invest the carbon tax into renewables."
Eleanor, LC did have a blog and it was BRILLIANT. He walked in just as I was about to share the link on my blog and promptly deleted it. A lot of what he says (and to whom) must be kept fairly confidential because of who he works for.
Hi Kath,
I just came across this. Really good piece. If you see this comment (as I'm so late), by any chance would you know of any links or sources that lay out the facts on climate change such as LC understands them? I would really like to read something based on calm fact that is convincing and not political.
Also - I thoroughly agree with taxing the polluters and using the money to develop cleaner energy. The schemes discussed so far are going to produce profits for traders and utilities which go nowhere, and unfairly penalise small consumers, it makes me mad.
Best site I've found on climate science is:
Addresses all the sceptical arguments with science and via published papers but still caters for the layperson.
Excellent! thanks Mr LC and Kath, I will definitely check this out. I am still somewhat "agnostic" on this subject but a little tired of keeping company with Andrew Bolt and Tony Abbott!!
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