Love Chunks woke up on Saturday morning and, after he returned from his refreshing ten kilometre run along the Maribyrnong River, he cooled down, fetched the paper, checked on Sapphire and made us both a freshly ground and brewed coffee.
After finishing my cappuccino, I went back to bed for a bit more of a lie down - chocolate and book reviewing is exhausting work and it felt good to be able to get up at 10.00am instead of my far-too-rigorous weekday waking time of 7:30am.
He and Sapphire then decided to whip up a home made breakfast of potato rosti, poached eggs and home made tomato and kidney bean salsa sprinkled with chopped parsley from our herb garden, and called out to me to get up and join them.

Later that evening as Sapphire was on the phone to Juliet and I was playing on the computer, Love Chunks rustled up a rather nice dinner - BBQ-ed peppercorn salmon, oven-roasted olive oil and rosemary potatoes, seared asparagus and sesame seed oil and salad sprinkled with balsamic vinegar. We ate with plates balanced on our laps in front of 'The Big Bang Theory'.

But when it was my turn to do something for lunch the next day they weren't so thrilled.

I don't know why - surely they needed a change?
Your (well, LC and Sapphire's)potato rosti look remarkably like my potato latkes. Except I serve mine plain with a dollop of sour cream, maybe a small side salad.
I like your simple lunch idea, done on paper plates or a single large platter, it's quick and easy. No muss, no fuss, minimal cleanup.
...and any crumbs are quickly hoovered up by Milly!
I'd get out of bed for potato rosti. Actually I'd get out for bed for a Salada as well. Everything tastes better when someone else makes it. Not because it's a nice thing to do but because it usually is, when it comes to my cooking.
Love. This. Post.
G'Day Kath,
I'd have taken a photo of the cupboard. They know where the crackers and vegemite are ...
Enthusiastic appreciation and flattery work wonders on some people...
Hmmm . . stick to what you know best I say!
Hahaha skimpy but hey its the thought that counts
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