Yay, my book is now available in the UK - woo hoo!
There's been a few too many items on my 'To Do List' (which I've enjoyed ticking off as they're completed, being the Conscious Dag that I am) such as selling the trailer, drinking excessively at farewell dinners, finding a temporary home for the dog and the rabbit, dropping off donations to a garage sale fund-raiser, keeping some other items to haggle and eventually sell to a local furniture dealer and sneaking around the neighbours' wheelie bins to slyly insert our own excessive amounts of rubbish and recycling.
Dagginess has been multiplied by one hundred as we wear undies that will be thrown into the bin rather than the laundry hamper, tracksuits barely held together with ancient elastic, stinkingly sweaty Crocs, dodgy old 1990s concert t-shirts and towels that even the dog sniffs at in interest.
I'll log on again when we arrive in dear old Melbourne. Yep, there will still be blurbing from the burbs, just a slight change in state (geographical and perhaps emotional), post code and house size. So give us a friendly wave if you see an old station wagon swimming in sausage roll crumbs and iced coffee cartons and two tired adults, a blonde-haired angelic child (who will hopefully not throw up on the back seat or splatter it towards the front console), a smiley orange dog and a nervous white rabbit.

I'm so sad to see you go. I'm going to miss you all.
Happy travelling. Don't forget pitstops and lots of photographs. We'll all expect lots of photos of things you see along the way, even if most of them are Milly joyously sniffing uncharted territory. Have you tried those magnetic bracelets as motion sickness prevention? They worked well for my Kathryn.
What? A book? How did I miss that?
Ok, probably during any one of my five month-long absences from the internet, but well done you!
Good luck with everything, Kath. I'll catch up on your all your other blog posts while you set up house in Melbourne. Hope it all goes as chilled as a carton of ice coffee.
The Wine State, I love that! Makes me imagine cars pulled over to the side of the road everywhere in SA, while the drivers take a wine-induced powernap.
Happy moving, if there is such a thing. Perhaps I should say 'happy settling in' because that can be more fun. I remember moving to the country for a few years with my sister and her BF back in 1992. Three adults and all their worldy possessions, 3 large dogs, a cat and 4 goldfish all crammed into the back of an old green Toyota Corona station wagon. Unforgettable!
Bon voyage!
The City of Dags awaits!!
Good luck and bon voyage Kath, Its a pain in the arse moving but hey, new adventures and looking forward to your 'blogservations' on Melbourne! Travel safe
Congrats on the UK market and all the best with the big move!
You're on your way! Hope the journey is a good one ... I speak as someone who has just emerged sane from a two week road trip (Melbourne - Canberra - Sydney - Pambula - Melbourne) with three kids in the station wagon. A box of Barbecue Shapes does wonders on the home stretch.
Good luck and I hope you're really happy in your new home!
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