1. Are you happier now than you were five months ago?
No but each day I walk home and tell myself that I've contributed to the family and have a man, a girl and a dog who always (and inexplicably, some days) are happy to see me.
2. Have you ever slept in the same bed with anyone that you shouldn't have?
3. Can you sleep in total darkness?
Of course. I'd prefer it, if possible.
4. Your phone is ringing. It’s the person you fell hardest for, the one who got away, what do you say?
5. What do you think about the weather this summer?
Very Darwin-like - steamy, sultry, humid. I'll put up with it if it helps fill the reservoirs and keep beautiful old trees and parklands alive and means that I don't have to carry buckets of shower water out to the lawn.
6. How many people do you trust with everything?
7. What was the last thing you drank?
Coffee. Mrs Krups is back from the hospital and working like a charm!
8. Is there anyone you want to come see you?
Hmm, how about someone with a ten million dollar cheque made out to me? One that isn't from Nigeria or the European lottery commission based in the Netherlands and won't bounce? Failing that, a house cleaner, masseuse and gardener; all with OCD tendencies relating to their particular job choice and a willingness to help.
9. Name one thing you love about winter?
Covering up. No need to suck in the stomach rolls when they're hidden under several layers. Wearing ugg boots at home. The forgiving, warm nature of polar fleece. Spicy foods, chocolate, home made soup. Oversized bowls of spag bol.
10. Have you ever dated a Goth?
No. Being with someone ever paler than I am would have meant that they'd be technically dead and I also wouldn't fancy fighting with him for the eyeliner.
11. What are you looking forward to tomorrow?
Waking up feeling refreshed and hopeful after a really solid nights' sleep.
12. Name something you dislike about the day you’re having?
Slightly grumpy due to lack of sleep and steeling myself for battling the bureaucracy whilst keeping my determination and friendly smile intact; genuine or not.
13. What's the longest that you have committed to one person and one person only?
Love Chunks - seventeen and a half years. A combination of whizzing by in a blur and not being able to remember what was life was like before him.
14. What’s the first thing you did when you opened your eyes today?
Grabbed my watch to turn the alarm off and immediately swung my feet out of the bed and onto the floor. You can't sigh or procrastinate for a second but need to get up and out before your brain registers how tired and unwilling it still is.
15. Has anyone ever told you they never want to ever lose you?
Yes. In various situations, most of which I'm not proud of and realise that I've been a huge drain on patience, tolerance, emotion and kindness.
16. Is there anybody that you wish you could fix your relationship with? Several. There are broken, bitter friendships and misunderstandings that hurt me at the time, but would probably benefit from a 'Here's what I did then, here's what I've learned now' conversation. I've even managed to have a couple of those on Facebook and luckily they were kind enough to friend me back. One particular person I'll never ever forgive. Ever.
17. Could you go out in public, looking like you do now? Yep. A dag but proudly conscious of it. It's about comfort, blending in and finding other things to stress about (of which there are plenty); not the style of my shoes or cut of my shirt.
18. Do you think things will change in the next 3 months? How?
For the better. I'll get into the groove of working full time, we'll all understand what our home 'jobs' are and do them as a habit instead of a favour to each other, I'll be laughing more and be slimmer after my achilles has righted itself and I can run again.
19. Do you believe that you never know what you got until you lose it?
Not always. I'm a big reminiscer but even I understand that rose-coloured glasses have a huge impact. Sometimes losing something (or someone) may be painful at the time but works out for the best in the end. Unless it's a favourite pair of sunglasses that you've had for years and misplaced.....
20. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
Yes, several I think. I don't think I've ever been a girls-only girl.
21. If you were to live your life without your best friend, what would change?
LC - don't even want to sit here imagining it.
Jill (known her since she was two days old) - sadder, colder, un-funner.
22. Tell us about a era of your life that you really miss.
My two years in the United Kingdom were pretty amazing. With rose-coloured spectacles firmly on it was because of the total lack of responsiblities I had - crappy bedsit was fun because it wasn't forever; crappy job was fun because the people were fantastic (same age, same social life, same senses of humour); the travel; the eternally-fascinating city of London....
Specs off - lonely at times; very expensive; homesick; very bad food; no Love Chunks.
23. Have you ever been betrayed by someone that came as a complete surprise? Without revealing the person, if yes, tell us about it.
YES. I've touched on it before, but you can reacquaint yourself here.
24. Do you ever think that is a good idea to hide your feelings? Oooh yeah. It is not always the best timing to have a rant and I've learned the hard way too that 'honesty' isn't always what the other person wanted no matter how often they say that it is. Nobody likes to be pulled up on bad behaviour or misconception or shoddy work and no matter how well it's stated, it comes back to bite you somehow. Subtlety is always best but take copies and notes to cover your own arse. Always.
25. Tell us about your favorite year when you were a student.
I hated university and did my best to remain completely inconspicuous amongst the smarter, cooler, more confident crowds swirling around me. Having a lovely boyfriend and some good mates really helped though and we had a lot of laughs together making coffees in our rooms at college.

25. When was the last time you were in a very good mood? What caused it?
Last night. Love Chunks and I had a chuckle at Milly and Skipper's Christmas Wish Lists as written down by Sapphire on her bedroom door. She has depicted the dog as a lovable graffiti artist and the rabbit as a strict atheist. Then back to the living room to watch Season 3 of 'The Office' (US version) and realise that it was wrong of me to write it off when it first came out. It is brilliantly funny and cheers me up no end.
26. Have you ever had a romantic relationship with a sibling of a good friend?
Never. Love Chunks can't say that though!
27. Tell us about the last thing that you did that you truly regret.
Telling my daughter to 'just ignore her' for months on end, realising that it should have been reported instantly. Sapphire's spirit suffered at the constant drip-drip-drip of nasty whispered remarks, rumour spreading and exclusion. From this week on, she knows that her teacher and principal believe her, so 'loud and proud dobbing' is her modus operandi until the end of the year.
These two sentences are now in her arsenal:
1) "Can you say that a bit louder, J, so that the teacher can hear?:
2) "No, you're not going to get away with saying that to me. Miss N, J just said...."
28. When did you laugh today?
Haven't yet. Only had one coffee so far.
29. Do you trust easily?
Yes, dammit. I try to see the best in people. Maybe that's why I get genuinely shocked at stuff like bullying, litter and snobbery.
30. What do you care about that you wish more people would?
Litter, bullying and snobbery.
31. Is it easier for you to go without food or go without sleep?
Sleep. Many times my old body has shown that it can do a fortnight on less than two hours sleep a night before all systems crash. Food - I can miss one meal before things get shaky - mentally and physically so before the end of Day One on Survivor I'd be the weirdo sobbing under the coconut tree eating my own shoe....
32. What non-alcohol beverage do you enjoy drinking the most?
Water. Room temperate. Try to suck down 2 litres a day and mostly succeed.
33. When you walk into a room full of strangers, generally how is your confidence?
Fairly high these days. I finally understand that we're all as nervous, confident, funny, serious, committed, flighty and ridiculous as each other and no-one wants me to fail or to fail themselves.
34. Does talking about sex with anyone but your lover make you uncomfortable?
Nah. It's the world's hilarious topic.
35. Do you tend to believe members of the opposite sex mostly behave the same way?
What? No! That's like saying that everyone in my particular school year - Monkeys - are the same, or that I'm like one twelfth of the population - Scorpios. Hell, I'm not even like my own family!
36. Did you drink any alcohol this week? If yes, what?
Nothing yet. I tend to have a glass of wine with dinner about twice a week or a glass of baileys on ice late night if there's good telly happening.
37. Would you ever consider being a vegetarian?
Yep. I often order the vege option when I go out because I'm not a rare meat girl and am not into the Masterchef pork belly/pink quail/raw red lamb phenomenon.
39. Do you believe in the concept of soul mates?
Sort of. However there isn't just One for each of us. Think back to the people you went out with before you met your forever person. All of them had things about them that you liked/loved/were attracted to and factors such as maturity, life stages etc influenced a whole heap of factors. The better question to ask is, "How do you keep your soul mate?"
41. What are your plans for this weekend?
A couple of end-of-year thingies, a ferocious lot of housework and then a day of fun with LC and Sapphire that doesn't involve shopping for presents, chores, sunburn or mosquito bites.
42. Do you think someone might be thinking poorly about you? Why might that be?
Hmmm. My first reaction was to say, "I'm sure there is. If I have people I don't particularly like or admire, then surely some of them feel the same way about me," but then I thought, how UP MYSELF am I to assume that I've entered the psyche of any of those people? After all, aren't most problems due to the fact that the other person didn't think about you at all?
42. What features don't you have that you would like on your cell?
None. I use it to make and answer calls. Yes, I'll occasionally text if I'm on the tram and very very rarely take a photo but I don't want to be someone who has a permanently-cricked neck due to staring at the black shiny thing in their palm all day.
43. How many people can comfortably sleep in your bed?
It's a queen, so two adults (allowing for tossing and turning and splaying of limbs) and possibly a small (and very still, so therefore it doesn't exist) child.
44. What are you hoping happens by the end of 2010?
That I feel settled into the groove of work and have made some inroads into understanding and obtaining help from the bureaucracy. That I learn to chill a bit more about chores and housework and obligations and that Sapphire fully regains her spirit, having been freed from the bully and knowing that she won't be in her class next year.
45. What was the last video you watched on YouTube?
A best-of clip from Radgery's facebook page that featuring all the YouTube classics (Charlie bit my finger, chipmunk's weird look, piano cat, heaps of classic stacks etc).
46. Would you ever agree to an open relationship with someone?
No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no NO. My heart would dry up, split into sharp shards, pierce all of my other vital organs and die. Brutally and painfully.
47. Is there something that you could never give up?
Food and water for a start. Trying to be friendly. Having a laugh. Love Chunks and Sapphire. Good coffee. Kissing the dog.
48. Would you, (or did you) prefer a small, intimate wedding reception, or a big-scale, over-the-top reception?
Very small, held in my parents' back garden. Dress cost $12 for the material and the honeymoon (or 'holiday' as we liked to call it) cost way more than the $1000 for nibbles and drinks at the 'reception'. No official cake, no speeches.

49. What’s bothering you right now?
My inability to shake minor annoyances off quickly. How I wish I was like Milly the dog who with a good flap of her ears manages to dislodge every loose hair from her coat, have a stretch and immediately forgets whatever it was that irritated her in the first place.
50. Do you hate anyone?
Sadly yes. You'd think, after slightly more than three years that I'd have moved on, but no. I still hate her.
51. What were you doing at 12 am last night?
Lying in bed, listening to the fan whirring overheard, Love Chunks snoozing on my right and the 'ker-LUNK' of the bathroom door after Sapphire shut it. Need to have a word to her about keeping things a bit quieter during the midnight wee trips.....
52. Is the last person you kissed before your current situation mad at you?
I don't think so; I can't even remember who it was..... Oh, wait. Yeah, he might have been mad at me at the time, but he would have forgotten by now, surely? It was EIGHTEEN YEARS ago!
53. Can a man and woman be friends without having feelings for each other?
Of course. I assume that 'feelings of friendship' is still acceptable?
54. Do you think long distance relationships work? If you’ve had one, tell us about it.
Never had one. Not sure how they could work if that person isn't 'there' for you more often than not and who wants to sleep alone if they're supposedly 'with' someone?
55. Do you know why it’s called “Random Boredom“?
Clearly I am way too old for this questionnaire.
56. Do you think that it’s always the man’s responsibility to initiate sex?
What? How OLD is the person who wrote these, nine? Of course not! (my answer to the original question, not the person who wrote the question)
57. Have you ever made love while you were in the same room with another couple?
NO. At least I sure as hell hope not and hope that there's not some grainy footage out there anywhere..... ~shudder~
58. Tell us the best thing about your current or most recent S/O.
Significant Other? His kindness. And patience. And humour. Let's also bung in intelligence, perception, cooking skills, fathering skills and his smell when I hold him tight.....
59. Tell us the worst thing about your current or most recent S/O.
Gets tetchy when he's hungry or tired or both. Snores very loudly on occasion. Enjoys a lot of televised sport. Kind of nice to see that these answers aren't exactly deal breakers.
60. If you could write a novel, what would it be about?
Ooh it's brewing baby, it's brewing!