Jovial Douche

Yep, this is our current brand of shower gel, purchased specifically because it might be a douche, but it's a jovial one.
And it got me thinking. 'Jovial Douche' might be the way to describe me now that I'm living in Switzerland and people here haven't a clue what 'daggy' or 'low maintenance bag lady chic' means.
The Plastic Mancunian recently hosted an 'Ask me a question' session on his blog and I've kindly been given permission to steal it. Mostly because I'm curious as to what kind of questions that folk like you, dear reader, would think I'd be able to answer.
This is considered a living meme in that the questions answered will be from you. I'll try to be honest, kind and relatively inoffensive.
So, what would you like to ask me, the Jovial Douche? Don't be shy.......
Are you in Geneva for a set time and then you will return to Australia? If so, when?
Would that not be a terrific blog name, The Jovial Douche?
My question (because the above was more of a rhetorical one): Is it true that one picks up a language by just living somewhere, and if so, is it hard or not so hard to do? (I ask as someone who wishes she were good at foreign languages but is not at all)
Good questions Andrew and Lidian.
Keep 'em coming, folks!
Does it smell nice?
Are you settling in okay now?
(you can choose which one to answer)
Bonjour Kath,
I have two questions.
The first is about something close to your heart:
You are a self-confessed chocaholic. How much chocolate have you eaten in Switzerland so far and what is your favourite? Ok that's two questions in one.
The other is:
What is the secret to being a good writer?
Have fun.
Are there any deaf people there? Do they go off to a "deaf school" or what?
If so, what kind of sign language do they use?
Do most deaf people sign or get cochlear implants?
It might be hard to answer these questions...LOL....but if you know, I'd be interested! =)
Lidian is right. The Jovial Douche would be a wonderful blog name.
I am feeling lazy today so my question to you is the same as the one I posed PM.
What is the biggest risk you have taken? And was it worth it?
Bahaha! Oh, I'm in struggle street at work right now, so this just made my day!
Hmmm, you've set me quite a few tasks there. But I'm up for it....
I'm with Lidian; The Jovial Douche would be a terrific name for your blog. (Although I imagine it may generate some strange traffic your way via a Google search!)
My question to you:
Do you miss Flemington?
Keep up the great work writing, Kath. I don't often comment, but I always (and eagerly) read every entry!
Hi Imogen (waves via cyberspace) - another good question!
Kath, dear Kath.... my question is, doesn't douche in Europe mean something else????? (ie something to do with a woman cleaning one's nether regions??) xx Jilly xxx
what sort of questions?? Deep or just about switzerland
What is your favourite cheese?
Why do men find sport interesting but women do not (mostly)?
I could ask what is the meaning of life but having seen the stars in a beautifully clear sky last night that one is just so tricky
keep up the brilliant blogs!
Hi Kath,
Two questions.
1) Same as I gave to PM - what bit of advice would you pass on to your daughter?
2) If there was one moment in your life you could change - one event/ one period in your life/ one moment - what would that be?
You may have to blog properly about the second questions.
p.s. Might nick this one myself.
If failure was not an option, what is the most daring thing you want to do?
Does living overseas make you feel more, or less Australian??!!
Sadly, I can't think of a single thing to ask.
Hi Kath, what a great idea!
Hope this one is not too personal/intrusive:
Does Sapphire read your blog and if so what does she think of it?
What do you hope to bring back to Melbourne from your time in Geneva?
I eagerly read your blog because we are moving with our children to Geneva in January. I feel a bit rude reading the personal blog of someone I've never met, but I appreciate every ounce of info about getting on in Geneva. My question is odd, but could I meet you when we move?
These are good. And challenging. And may keep me awake thinking about the answers tonight....
OK Kath - I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be using you as my personal psychic or psychiatrist here, but:
a) will I be able to cope with study while working and with small children under my feet?
b) will my sister have a boy or a girl?
I'm sure you have written about this somewhere in your blog but why did you guys move from Australia to Switzerland?
Do you think it is easier to be a woman or a man?
What is the secret of a happy marriage?
Will you go to the moon?
If you can name yourself, what name will you choose?
Which actress will you choose to be you in your biography film?
What is the meaning of life? ;-)
What do the Genevans and Australians do in the same way?
Which are better - salt and vinegar chips or cheese and onion?
LJP :-)
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