I think it might be time to splash out on some new sports bras.

Taking my usual wobbly place on the treadmill this morning, with the mini iPod blaring and drops of sweat spattering the black rubber floor I was in The Zone baby and unaware of anything other than a bit of minor chafing.
That is, until I finished the 8 kms, swept the leaves out of the shed (damn that whirly birdy thingy in the roof), locked up, cooled down, collected Milly's dog nuggets off the lawn (being a bit anal due to keeping the house all nice and attractive), stripped off and saw that this bloody Berlei had carved me a new rib cage.
I'm told from Jack next door that at the time when the shower water splashed on my injury for the first few seconds my screams of agony were both audible and eerie. Possibly not the most inviting aura to send out to any potential house buyers walking past.
The Modern Amazon!
Yer a git! How could you not feel pain? Then again, I went on the tready with bare feet last week and got a nice blister on the ball of my foot for my troubles - didn't realise until about an hour later!
Yeh, pain is my middle name... Actually it's Anne, but it's still four letters. I know it sounds particularly wanky, but I do kinda get into the zone whilst running and often tend to find a few blisters filled with blood, or have popped, shed skin and formed new blisters underneath which can make peeling sweaty socks off a rather un-fun exercise afterwards.
All worth it though, if it still enables me to sit in my own seat on the plane without too much overlappage and be able to continue to inhale at least 100g of the wonderful brown stuff every day.
Jesus! You should sue em
I hope you were able to get the laundry and cooking done !! LOL I am only saying this because I am at a safe distance !!
OUCH! I know what you mean about the chafe not hurting till you hit the shower!Maybe there is an upside to being stuck on a stationary bike after all!
Oh my god! Kath!
How are you feeling now?
ouchhhh... looks really painful
Ouch, ouch, OUCH!!
Admire your tolerance and focus!
Can never to jog or go to the gym, just a couch potato.
Using the stairs is my only form of excercise...
I've said it many times before, but in the context of that post, it bears repeating.
Boobs should be seen, and not hurt.
That is all.
OMG! I'm hurting just looking at this picture.
Kath, there's an untitled, unpublished post of yours appearing in my follower's list. Just to let you know!
Are any of mine appearing in yours?
**oooooh this is all soooo suggestive.**
Everybody have an "OUCH" day...
Take care...
thanks all. It's nice to know that there's nothing like telling the world I've got a bloody left boob for the comments to flow in! :)
...am still sitting here in my bathrobe, dreading putting on a bra over the rather unwieldy bandage I have on.
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